-Our good friend Carey Haider, the artist/designer behind the Portland based Blacktooth, announced this week that this original Blacktooth shirt will be sold exclusively through Urban Outfitters. The shirt is a screen made from a photo taken by Haider of Portugal, The Man and features the caption Make Art Not War Portland, OR 35mm. The shirt is available at all UO stores and online.
-I asked to Haider to elaborate on what a partnership like this means to his business, and DIY clothiers everywhere:
"Urban Outfitters has been picking up a lot of underground brands as of lately. Who would of ever have thought you could go from a shop in the back of your car trunk to a national chain store. I think a lot of it has to do with where the world is right now with war and everything else. The underground scenes have seen a large revival in arts and crafts, and like everything that starts out cool; it always spreads to the suburbs and before you know it they are selling Beatles shirts at Target. Small brands are starting to sell due to people want to support the underdog and want something original. This is great for all of us little guys. Instead of slaving away at a dead end job we can now afford barbecue sauce and cheese for our burgers and better yet we get to make art all day for a living. It doesn't get any better then that. A big thumbs up to Urban for supporting the small guys when they could easily pass us up."
-A lot of hardcore hipsters like to dis on Urban, and I myself have commented on the preponderance of cheaply made goods they carry. But over the last decade the store has continually increased the quality and diversity of brands they offer. Now, with semi-exclusive/semi-high-end brands like Modern Amusement, Diesel and Fred Perry, as well as with artists collaborations like that with Blacktooth, Urban has become an important stepping stone for those looking to get away from mall shopping and move toward boutique shopping. Props all around.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Business Major: Blacktooth x Urban Outfitters
Friday, November 28, 2008
Music Theory: Two Eagles' Greatest Hits
-As you may have heard, Their Greatest Hits by The Eagles is the best selling album in the history of the United States. Despite it being certified 29x platinum, it doesn't change the fact that, much like Jeff Lebowski, "I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man." Regardless, I have been consistently blown away by their respective solo efforts.
-I saw The Warriors for the first time a few weeks back, and it definitely lived up to all the hype created by the video game, numerous rap shout outs, and the pending remake. The movie's final scene (above) is incredible, partly due to Joe Walsh's anthemic "In the City". The song later became an Eagles hit, but it was originally recorded specifically for The Warriors.
-Don Henley is another Eagle who arguably did his best work solo. Henley's "Boys of Summer" is one of my all-time favorites, though like many of today's youth my initial exposure to it came from The Ataris cover. I guess Walsh and Henley have proven that, when it comes to The Eagles, the lame whole is not necessarily equal to the sum of its awesome parts.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
School Supplies: Oak
- So I've been snooping around Oak's new items, and I thought it couldn't hurt to put my personal wishlist out into the world. Here you go!
1. Surface to Air unisex three finger ring
2. Species by the Thousands bearded guy sweatshirt
3. Acne leather and knit gloves
4. Dolce Vita baxter shoe
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Design Major: Billionaire Boys Club
-In the few years since Pharrell and Nigo (left) started Billionaire Boys Club, the brand has become massively popular. While Nigo's previous project (a little sneaker company known as A Bathing Ape) set the bar pretty high, Pharrell is clearly intent on dominating the streetwear scene he helped create.
-BBC has never really been either of our style, and we are still a little bitter about former Mac elitist Pharrell slingin' PCs, but the Winter 2008 collection has some gems: simple down coats, slick denim, and some baller Star Trek gloves (below). As Jay-Z once said, "I don't wear it 'cause of Pharrell, I wear it 'cause I'm for realllll...."
Monday, November 24, 2008
Extracurriculars: Mustachio Bashio
-Just a few photos from Logan's inaugural Mustachie Bashio.
-A tad reminiscent of this, though relations between our blogs have suffered as of late
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Film Studies: Spike Jonze Interview
-This is a screen shot from the upcoming Spike Jonze/Dave Eggers film adaptation of Maurice Sendak's iconic children's book, Where the Wild Things Are. Moriarty at Aint it Cool has an extensive interview with Jonze that leaves me with nothing but the utmost confidence that the film will encompass and enhance that wonderful, terrible feelings that the book arouses in me. I don't even remember the story of the book, but I remember being somewhat frightened and captivated by its imagery. There were a lot of issues with getting this film made and it almost didn't happen so I'm incredibly glad to finally have such thorough confirmation.
-Check the interview, it's long, but if you're a Spike Jonze fanatic like me it's a great read.
-Via iWatchStuff
School Supplies: New Blacktooth
-Just a quick post here to show some of the new pieces from Carey Haider's ever evolving Blacktooth line. These were just a couple of my favorites from the latest release. The 'modern artillery' shirt takes me back to when we first heard about Blacktooth in 05' and every shirt was printed machine guns. Glad they've moved on, but still kept their roots in mind. Check out the new stuff at Blacktooth.org
Friday, November 21, 2008
Music Theory: Belle & Sebastian Live
- So today I went out and bought the newly released Belle & Sebastian BBC Sessions live album, and I have to say I am pleasantly surprised. I should explain that I feel obligated to buy the live albums of bands which I like (ex. I just bought the Why? live album, but since I love this band dearly, I am not blogging about what a let down it was,) however, I usually find them to be less exciting versions of their studio albums. But for the sake of being a "true fan," I buy the live albums nonetheless. The album features a compilation of the bands appearances on BBC from 1996-2001 and has the perfect mix of familiar cover songs, popular B & S songs, and a bit of crowd noise. The whole thing is beautifully mastered and may be one of the best live albums I own. Now, as Why? is a band very close to my heart, and I can't simply finish this post without redeeming them, I will say I have both of their studio CDs on repeat constantly, and I recently saw their live show in Vancouver, and I swear it was a religious experience.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Design Major: Manik x Cobain
-Manik has gotten quite a bit of attention for their photographer collaborations, like the recent Craig Wetherby collection that featured the likes of Slick Rick and Ghostface (below). However, their latest effort hits a bit closer to home. According to High Snobiety, the new Manik decks and clothes feature pictures from concert photographer Charles Peterson, several of which bear the likeness of Seattle legend Kurt Cobain. They will be available at Goods in the next few weeks.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Dress Code: Anthony Price x TOPMAN
-We here at Class Act try to promote designers and labels that offer the common-folk (or poor college students) progressive style at reasonable prices. British chain TOPMAN, which recently opened its first American retail location in NYC, is the men's division of the more widely-known TOPSHOP. The chain has furthered its knack for quality collaborations with a new line by Anthony Price. The British native has created the Anthony Price Priceless line for TOPMAN, bringing strong hints of neo-formal English attention to detail into the modern age with slim cuts and manageable prices.
-Check out the line at TOPMAN's newish American Web site.
-Via Men's Rag.
Faculty: Macklemore
-We briefly mentioned Macklemore a few weeks ago after his ridiculous Halloween show at the Wild Buffalo in Bellingham. Due to the fact that he is one of Seattle's best MCs, I figured he deserved more than that. Then again, the Mack is no stranger to being overlooked. Despite being a member of Seattle supergroup Good Medicine along with members of Common Market and Blue Scholars, he is rarely mentioned as being among the city's best.
-Along with (inferior) rappers like Asher Roth, Macklemore seems to be ushering in what The Stranger's Charles Mudede refers to as "the racially complicated post-Eminem era." More and more white kids are trying their hand at hip-hop, doing so earnestly and without the gimmicks that their caucasian predecessors found necessary.
-Recently Macklemore navigated his way through the history of hip-hop in "The Party", which was recently released on Iller Clothing Company's Iller Sessions EP. The EP is a history lesson in itself, as it features the likes of DMC, Digital Underground and Large Professor next to local favorites lick Mack and RA Scion of Common Market. Check it out.
School Supplies: Calendar Re-Issue
- Noa Bembibre's famous calendar "Cats Let Nothing Darken Their Roar," is available for 2009. (with 12 all new phrases might I add.) Buy it here.
-And now this is Angelo, not Sydney (team work!) And I saw another design/calendar related item today and so why not put it here.
-This match-a-day calendar concept from Yurko Gutsulyak could be a great way to, um, limit yourself to one smoke a day? Interesting design nonetheless.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Chem 101: The Perfect Holiday Cocktail
-The Monogamist: Equal parts Monarch hundy and egg nog (get it, Mon + Nog.)
-Stir and enjoy.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
School Supplies: Locust Happy Hour Sale
-I stopped by Bellingham's illest streetwear boutique, Locust, today and picked up a fresh Diamond Supply Co. tee for only $15. While there, I was informed about their happy hour sale, happening tomorrow (Friday,) so I thought I'd post up some of my favorite items that they have in-stock to get people as excited about the sale as I am.
-First we have these Hundreds softy New Era fitted hats, which are made of that kind of foamy material your tee-ball hats were made out of. I almost bought one of these today too.
-Then there are a couple pairs of shoes from one of our favorite brands, Clae Footwear, I think they were like $120 and $140 but I think they'll be marked down at the sale.
-Then they have these dope fitteds from King Stampede, which have a velcro patch on the front and a couple different logos you can attach.
-Finally, Locust has a wide variety of gentleman's hats from Brixton, one of our favorite modern haberdasheries.
-There is a ton more great merch at the store (I just happened to have easy access to these photos from Hypebeast,) so if you're way up north be sure to check out the sale and also make sure to stop by and see my girl Heather at Frank James, which is also participating in the sale. -Make sure to click on the photo so you can actually check the details on the banner.
Design Major: Wunderkind
- Wunderkind's new spring line has just made it way to the top of my "coveted" list. It has some beautiful patterns, just the right amount of color, and from the looks of it, amazing fits. Wolfgang Joop (Wunderkind mastermind) plays masterfully with the line between masculine and feminine pieces and is sexy without being revealing. Next time I run into a handsome librarian, I hope I'm wearing this. (let's all ignore the bucket hats, aside from transition lenses, they are my biggest pet peeve.)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
School Supplies: Foul Weather 574s
-The weather up here is getting nastier by the day, so I've been looking for ways to get to class with my socks dry. Sorel and Bape just collaborated on some classy duck boots, but you may find that our mild winters call for nothing more than some tough sneakers.
-New Balance 574s have treated me well over the years, and they are slowly overtaking the recently re-released Koston 1s as my all-time favorite shoes. Now the already consistent 574 is getting a few wintertime adjustments. First came the announcement of a high-top version, which is set to drop in November. Also, the 574 Trails are back and better than ever. Some good additions to an already solid shoe make these perfect for the miserable coming months.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Design Major: Marioflauge
-I'm am happy and mad. Mostly mad, because I had this idea like year ago. And now someone has stolen my idea and designed a Mario world-1 level-1 printed hoodie. Don't worry though, I've still got some great Mario related ideas for my eventual line.
-Available for pre-order now at Enclothe.
-Via Geekologie.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Art School: Laura Splan
- New York based mixed media artist Laura Splan often uses her work to explore the fears and oddities within the medial world. She graduated with a degree in Biological Sciences from University of California and later got her masters in fine art from Mills College, so it's no surprise to see her biological subject matter. This image is of "Blood Scarf." I don't think I can describe it better than the artist, so I'm going to quote from Splan's website, "Blood scarf depicts a scarf knit out of clear vinyl tubing. An intravenous device emerging from the user's hand fills the scarf with blood. The implied narrative is a paradoxical one in which the device keeps the user warm with their blood while at the same time draining their blood drip by drip." Splan's webpage show many of her other projects, including four-foot-long tongue depressors, doilies in the shape of viruses and pillows made to look like human skin.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
PoliSci: Obama's Entourage
-After his thrilling and refreshing victory on Tuesday, Barack Obama's first move was the recruitment of his new Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel (pictured). Emanuel is a former Clinton advisor and longtime friend of Obama, and has been nicknamed Rahmbo for his tough political style. He may not be the most abrasive member of his family, however, as his brother Ari is the basis for Entourage superagent Ari Gold. In another strange twist, Ari Emanuel recently signed Adrien Grenier, who plays Vinny Chase.
-Some also may have noted the similarities between VP Joe Biden and rapper Joe Budden. Budden recently earned some points from us for calling out Wayne and Pain for that "funny voice shit", while Biden earned some for calling out Sarah Palin. According to Complex, the Joes are more alike than you may have expected.
-Below, our favorite awkward fist bumps courtesy of the Obama-Biden website.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Peer Review: Hipster Girls in Mustaches
-My friend Forrest from down the street came by today for a haircut. While I was snipping away, he casually mentioned that I was featured on one of his many blogs, Hipster Girls in Mustaches. The site brings you just that, lady hipsters sporting various styles of facial hair. The girl above is my favorite. I love the proportions of her mustache and glasses in relation to the rest of her face; they bring a slight oddball touch.
-Click back to the first post of HGiM and you'll find a nice little surprise.-This is Forrest here. You might not recognize him if you spot him on the street now that his hair is nice and short.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
School Supplies: North Face Purple Label
-If you read Class Act regularly then you know we don't often have favorable things to say about North Face. Not because we take issue with their quality cool-weather goods, but because North Face gear has become an inescapable ubiquity to the observer of northwest style.
-Lately though, we've been hearing a lot about North Face Purple Label, the brand's exclusive line, sold only in Japan. The above photo is a purchase Michael Williams made on his recent trip to Tokyo. The herringbone klettersacks below were just released (again, only in Japan.) So it's not likely that you'll see the purple label on your next stock college beer-pong opponent, but it's definitely a line a young sartorialist should keep in mind should he or she take a trip to the far left anytime soon.
-Via Selectism and ACL.
Extracurriculars: Halloween Hip Hop
-Halloween weekend was nuts in Bellingham this year, with Collie Buddz and Macklemore playing on Thursday and Method Man and Redman closing it out on campus last night. Macklemore is one of Seattle's best MCs, and we'll have more on him in the future.
-I don't care about Freaks and Geeks or Arrested Development. The most grievous cancellation of the past decade was FOX's untimely axing of Method and Red. Regardless, the two are apparently staying busy. In addition to their new record, Blackout 2, and a sequel to their movie How High, Redman announced they will be collaborating with Adidas on a Blackout 2 themed sneaker.
-On a stylistic note, Redman donned a North Face vest and seemed to fit in pretty well with the "drunk ass, Ramen noodle eating motherfuckers" in attendance. Plus, Method got his hands on a Yankees New Era with the Elmer Fudd flap, which still hasn't been released to the public.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Art School: Jason Sho Green
- Jason Sho Green is an artist born in Japan, who is currently living and working in Seattle. He focuses mainly on illustration and fine art, although he has a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Washington. My favorites are his portraits, like the one here, made up of other small pictures. You can buy some select prints here.