Monday, March 30, 2009
Peer Review: New GQ
Field Trip: & Still
-Brands like No Mas and UNDRCRWN have been coming up with some ill sports-influenced streetwear, but LA boutique & Still has taken it a step further, carrying products by the aforementioned brands along with a ton of authentic throwback sports gear. I found the store completely by accident, but upon entering I was transported back to my elementary school days, where the playground was dominated by snapback hats, puffy Sonics coats and Orlando Magic jerseys. The store delivers a heavy dose of nostalgia while also staying relevant with a solid selection of current streetwear. & Still is located on La Brea right next to Undefeated and Stussy.
Friday, March 27, 2009
School Supplies: GOODS News
-Coming home from my latest LA Field Trip wasn't easy, but Hypebeast cheered me up with the news that Seattle streetwear mecca GOODS will be opening it's Eastside Chapter in Bellevue on Saturday. Their move to my neck of the woods will be commemorated by a Stussy collabo and some exclusive shoe releases. For those of you not in the 425, they have also slashed prices on denim, flannel, and fitteds in their online shop. No place like home, I guess.
School Supplies: Lee Shock
-I finally got around to buying the Spike Lee x Casio G-Shock watch we mentioned a while back, as Spike is my man and I need to start getting to class on time next quarter. Spike produced a short to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the watch, which appeared in his underrated 1995 movie Clockers (his second best after Do The Right Thing, in my opinion). The video (below) isn't terribly original and the production values aren't great, but it's got some nice shots of NYC and will still probably get better reviews than Miracle at St. Anna.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Intro to Cinema: Go 'Away'
-A week or so ago, the good folks at I Watch Stuff posted the trailer for Away We Go, a new movie starring The Office's John Krasinski alongside Maya Rudolph, Jim Gaffigan, and Allison Janney. The script was penned by one of CA's favorite writers, Dave Eggers, and his wife Vendela Vida.
-While we were initially thrilled by the idea of these people working together, the trailer is a downright nauseating mix of obnoxious Juno-style quirkiness and director Sam Mendes' trademark suburban angst, which has become increasingly played out in recent years. Let's hope this movie comes and goes without severely damaging the careers of those involved.
Intro to Public Relations: Business Cards
- I heard a related anecdote the other day regarding CA All-Star and two-time NBA Dunk Contest champ KryptoNate Robinson. In his days at the University of Washington, Nate put his e-mail address and phone number on business cards that read 'Nate the Great' and handed them out to girls around campus. Whether you're a baller or just a blogger, it's not a bad idea. more
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Intro to Cinema: Where the Wild Things Are Trailer
-Finally, the trailer to the much delayed film is out. I don't really have much to say because the trailer speaks for itself, but I'm going to suggest that people resist the urge to see this movie on some sort of intoxicant, because it will scare the shit out of you.
-Via Gawker, iWatchStuff, and like every other blog everywhere.
Extracurriculars: BOXeight LA Fashion Week by Dirk Mai
-I've been a fan of Dirk Mai's studio photography for awhile, and now we get to see his skill at capturing images in a more documentary sense. Dirk works with BOXeight, and LA based arts collective that hosted LA Fashion Week in mid-March. He was gracious enough to lend us some of the photos, which capture from all sides the beauty within the mayhem of a fashion show. Hit the jump for some really great photos.
-All photos by and are property of Dirk Mai.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Econ 101: Active Mailorder Files Chapter 11
Monday, March 23, 2009
Required Reading: Van Sant x Efron
School Supplies: Eastpak x Rick Owens
Sunday, March 22, 2009
School Supplies: DQM x Fox Dirtpaw
School Supplies: Diana Instant Back
Required Reading: Oki-Ni Denim Guide
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Classmates: Vote for Leesa
-Our good friend Leesa Ellis made it through the Portland casting for America's Next Top Model, but she needs your help to become a finalist! Do us a favor and follow the link below and vote for Leesa. The list is ordered alphabetically by first name.
-These photos are by Eric Wimberly, check his web site for more bomb photos of Leesa and others.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Faculty: Mos Def

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
School Supplies: Vintage Vest

Intro to Cinema: Street Dreams
Find more videos like this on Street Dreams Movie
Find more videos like this on Street Dreams Movie
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Lecture: Ferrari and the Environment
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Peer Review: Breakfast at Sulimay's
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Music Theory: Say Hi
-The predicted hipster exodus from Brooklyn to Seattle may be becoming a reality after all. This week's The Stranger features an article on Say Hi and their frontman Eric Elbogen. Elbogen moved from Brooklyn to Ballard to record the band's new record, and we're glad he did. I haven't done the best job of keeping up with the Seattle music scene as of late, but I've been listening to "Spiders" (below) all week and I think this band has a very promising future in the Pacific Northwest.
Spiders - Say Hi
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
School Supplies: My Favorites

-I shot this with my Nikon, b-t-dubs. And a 50mm f/1.8 Nikkor lens. Be sure to click the photos and check them out in greater detail

-A reminder: All of these photos, as well as a bunch of our photos that never made it on to the blog, can be found on our Flickr.

-I've got a pair of creamy white Top-Siders, the BoO Sperry boots, and two pairs of Sperry slip-ons (one pair being the Modern Amusement collab, which are pretty rare,) but these are still my favorite. They've held up pretty nicely, especially considering the abuse I've subjected to them, but the sole on one of them is starting to come off a bit. I'm looking into Mighty Mendit.

-That's all. Thanks for reading and share your thoughts in the comments. Unless your thoughts are anti-Top-Sider, I don't want to hear none of that shit. more