-I've blogged about Heritage Resarch a few times now, and I have to reiterate that I think the British brand is making some of the finest (and expensive,) minimalist garments around right now. I've also blogged a few times about my affinity for toned-down varsity jackets. Given Heritage Research's other pieces, a varsity jacket seems like kind of a curveball, but like their other jackets, this one looks like it was executed brilliantly. You can't go wrong with heavyweight grey wool and cream leather. This jacket is made in America and hits the till at $530 via Oi Polloi.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
School Supplies: Heritage Research for Oi Polloi Varsity Jacket
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
School Supplies: Nom De Guerre SS10 Desert Corps
Sunday, March 28, 2010
School Supplies: Some Spring Rugby
-I'm seriously considering snagging this Rugby Newbury Chino jacket. Ryan had a chance to try it on recently and has assured me that the fit is on point (Rugby fit has been great to me on other items.) I was thinking about getting the J. Crew khaki Ludlow suit, but I don't think I'm ready to make a move on a full suit just yet. This jacket is a little more casual than the Ludlow, and I like the little Rugby details on the collar and cuff.
-I don't know why I've never checked to see if Rugby had a club-collar oxford, since I've been looking for one for awhile. I think it's pretty safe to say this version ($69.50,) and this madras bow ($29.50,) are the most affordable models of each to be found (especially if you can take advantage of the 15% student discount Rugby offers.) As always, Rugby is a mixed bag, but if you stick to the classics, the label can provide some good snags for those of us on a college budget.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
School Supplies: Navy Authentics
-I'm gonna keep this post simple. I picked up some navy Authentics at a Vans outlet for $30. You probably already know that Authentics are the perfect SS sneaker. I love the nautical feel of the navy/white model. They're high enough not to fret if there's still a bit of rain on the ground, and skatable enough to hop on a board if you need to jet somewhere quick. Let them get a little worn and pair them with some rolled up chinos; If they're too clean and thrown with some stock raw denim, you're bound to look like every other streetwear kid. If you're going with a ubiquitous sneaker, make sure the rest of the fit has an individual flair.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Professors: Marcy Playground
-I wouldn't place Marcy Playground within my top-ten bands, but I would put their 1997 self-titled album in my top-ten all-time albums. I consider an album great when I enjoy every single song, there aren't any that I'm inclined to skip. Aside from Nirvana's discs, which heavily influenced Marcy's sound, this is one of the few nineties albums that I can enjoy all the way through. The band's sound is slightly softer than Nirvana's, but the songs that rock a little more heavily don't seem contrived. Littered with memorable lines and bits of PNW reference (derived from lead singer John Wozniak's time at Washington's famous fake university, Evergreen,) this is a quintessential nineties album for anybody's collection. Sadly, the band's two subsequent releases failed to achieve what the self-titled album did, both commercially and musically, but the first disc is one that will always have a place in my rotation.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Dress Code: Cloudy Day Shopping
-Chambray, Gap $40
-Sweater, J. Crew $40
-Gnar face, No sleep, priceless. more
Monday, March 22, 2010
School Supplies: Yuketen Backpack
-I thought I'd stop blogging about backpacks now that I've got my Inventory x Duluth Pack joint, but I'm still incredibly drawn to the rucksack aesthetic. I know a lot of people favor messengers/bookbags, but I don't really like having a strap dissect my chest, especially when I'm wearing a tie.
-I'm a bit less-fond of Yuketen's footwear styles then most people, but this pack is one of the best bags I've seen. If I had the dough I'd be making up excuses for owning two backpacks, though I might remove that round leather patch. more
Friday, March 19, 2010
School Supplies: Sperry Wear
-I've probably worn this pair of Top-Siders 86% of the days since I purchased them in the spring of 2006. One of the few Glenn O'Brien style rules I break is wearing Sperrys through every season. This pair has been with me through trips to the beach, hikes in the wood, tramping through campus in the snow and once when I got caught in a torrential deluge and they got completely reshaped. The bottom has worn all the way through to the insole, so I can't wear them when it's wet anymore, but they're still my go-to shoes when it's dry out. Check out after the jump for a some more shots of the damage.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Film Studies: Revenge of the Nerds
-I wasn't alive in 1984, but I'm told Orwell's predictions didn't hold true. The year was, however, the year that the greatest college movie ever made, Revenge of the Nerds, debuted. I hadn't watched the movie for about 7 years before I decided to rent it this week and discovered the classic film contains some badass styling. Check out some screen caps of some of the movie's sartorial gems and a bit more insight into the movie's legacy after the jump.
-I'm really digging the color combo on this station wagon. But check out James Cromwell's (the dad) fit right here, looks like something we might see pulled off unironically in the current style climate.
-I'm feeling a bit conflicted about pocket protectors right now. Straight up, I think they look pretty dope. They could add a bit of flair to a look (especially if you actually need all those pens and pencils.) But alas, I have an odd feeling that the pocket protector may come back soon as a hipster trend accessory. Oh well, it might be a cool idea to throw into an editorial shoot. I might scope eBay for some cool pocket protectors. Lewis' glasses are fresh too.
-Booger's "Gimme Head Till I'm Dead" shirt. Best slogan tee in a movie. Ever.
-I promise you this: In my eventual collection of menswear, there will be a sleeveless varsity jacket. No joke. Maybe it will have zip-off sleeves. Ogre is played by Donald Gibb, who you might recognize from Blood Sport, the greatest Van Damme movie of all time.
-Booger rocking leather and joints. Wormser rocking the bow. Ballin.
-Jefferson from Married with Children as stock frat-douche Stan Gable. Great casting and styling.
-High-five to whoever can track down one these Lambda Lambda Lambda cardigans.
-I'm more into this for the Roland gear than the clothes.
-This character's name is U.N. Jefferson. Is that not the most badass name ever? U.N.
-Here's the slightly racist part of the movie: If you don't remember, a bunch of big black tri-lambs show up and the Alpha Betas are too scared to fight them. But given that earlier in the movie the nerds break into Pi's house, sexually assault them and steal their underwear, I don't think political correctness was a major consideration during the production of this movie. We'll let it slide though, because the movie is the quintessential college comedy, underdog story and now a major inspiration for some future designs.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
School Supplies: The Early Spring Virtual Shopper
Sunday, March 7, 2010
School Supplies: Ballantyne SS/10 Sweaters
Saturday, March 6, 2010
School Supplies: Penfield SS/10
Friday, March 5, 2010
School Supplies: Gitman Violet Chambray
-I know I've been posting stuff from Blackbird a lot lately, and if you're a long time reader, you know I've been critical of them in the past. For the record, I still think they have a lot of wack buying (Odyn Vovk, Julius, etc.) that sort of confuses me about who they imagine their customers to be. That being said, the Seattle shop is still, along with Winn Perry, one of the best stockists of dope brands on the West Coast. more
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
School Supplies: Madras Madness
-The madras tie is a spring must-have that I, somehow, don't have. I'll definitely be grabbing one soon, but the question is, which one? 3sixteen added these two madras pieces to their spring collection and I think the color mixtures are spot-on. Width: 2.5, Cost: $77 at the 3sixteen online shop.
-I'm leaning heavily toward one of these new ties from Gitman Vintage. The enlarged madras pattern is a rarer sight, and it gives the ties a less-busy look. Width: Not listed, but they look agreeable narrow, Cost: $68 at Blackbird.
-Lastly, I couldn't post about madras ties if I didn't peruse the selection at J. Press. If you're gonna do classic prep styling, you might as well stick with a classic prep retailer. Width: Probably a little more classic (i.e. wider) than the others, Cost: $59.50 at J.Press online.
-I'm hoping the Gitman ties will still be in-stock in a month or so when my bank account has recouped a little. If so, you can expect to see me: White BD collar oxford, loose tie, seersucker ballin this spring.