-The media, Marc Jacobs, Scott Shumann, basically everyone, loves Dee & Ricky. And because I love nostalgia-inspired design and I really love Lego, I'm inclined to love the brothers-turned-design-team as well, but I'm not sure if I do. I love the fact that they've employed an innovative yet relatively simple idea, and a lot of the press they've received is well deserved. They struck at the perfect moment, a time when hip-hop icons like Pharrel and A3K are proliferating a sort of garish preppy swag. I really dig the cigarette brooch and the belt buckles and most of their products, even the barrets and stuff for women.
-So I had the thought awhile back, 'Maybe I'll buy one of those Dee & Ricky brooches, I wonder how much they are?' Then I looked and saw that they're all around $75 which isn't bad for designer accessories. But then I had another thought: 'I could just fucking make this shit myself.' Really, I have a shit load of legos anyway, and if I didn't I could acquire them cheaply, and then I'd just need some glue and a safety pin. So here's the question, is it more legit to own a piece from the originators, or to do it yourself exactly how you'd like it, and for less money?

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