Thursday, December 17, 2009

Professors: Underrated Icons Vm. 1 — Malcolm McDowell

-I quit reading A Clockwork Orange about 60 pages in. I should probably give it another shot. But I've seen the movie, and I watched a bit of the movie on cable the other day. When I clicked 'info' I learned something about which I was not previously privy: The actor who plays Alex is Malcolm McDowell. I've become a fan of McDowell in the past few years from his roles on Entourage, Heroes (I only watched 2.5 seasons, I swear) and Rob Zombie's terrific Halloween remakes.  After his performance in If..., which impressed Kubrick and won him the role in Clockwork, and his leading role in the controversial Caligula, McDowell's career descended into a series of typecast villains in b-list movies. Now, as an older man, McDowell's career is again flourishing. Hopefully others will take greater notice, as I have, of this incredibly underrated, authentic and iconic actor.
-I will be continuing the Underrated Icons series in the near future.

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