Friday, April 25, 2008

Intro to Cinema: Forget 'Sarah Marshall'

'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' is a damn funny movie, and you should go see it. While that may seem contrary to the title of this post, we can say with confidence that 'FSM 'is an above-average romantic comedy. And therein lies the problem.
We at CA have been avid fans of the Apatow camp since 'Undeclared', the collegiate sitcom that launched the careers of many of his regulars. As an aptly themed publication, we have always felt the need to recognize 'Undeclared' for being a refreshingly realistic portrayal of college life, and we were sad to see it canceled. We were equally impressed with Apatow's subsequent films, and still watch 'Superbad' weekly. However, the fresh ideas that kept his work original seem to be slipping away in 'Sarah Marshall'. The hilarious unknowns have been replaced by A-list actresses (we shouldn't complain: Mila Kunis looks better than ever), and the rare improvisation looks forced. All in all, it's better than any run-of-the-mill Matthew McConaughey vehicle. It's the fact that it even compares that is disappointing.

1 comment:

TimsMom said...

I'd like to point out that this a movie you could watch with your mom. She may really like the puppets.