Sunday, December 14, 2008

Art Major: Cody Trepte

-Every once in awhile I stumble upon an artist whose progressive perspective really excites my interest.

-This piece from Cody Trepte is a series of 75 books, each of which is a family photo translated into binary.

-On the cover of each book is a description of the photo. The book shown here is "A dark snapshot of me and Cami wearing ear muffs and staring directly at the camera on Christmas morning. Cami is at the left edge of the frame wearing a pink striped shirt. She is looking to the left of the camera. I am standing in the center of the frame, wearing a blue velvet shirt and staring directly at the camera."

-Definitely an interesting perspective of photography, family, and the digital age. A look through Trepte's online gallery is a challenging and thought provoking study.

-Photos from Cody Trepte via iheartphotograph.

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