Monday, March 1, 2010

Dress Code: Same Day, Different Shit

-Just thought I'd throw these up to illustrate something that has been happening to me lately  (though I was reluctant to post these because the tripod height made me look wicked short.) Some days, like today, I have to walk to school pretty early. So I get dressed in my usual manner; 4 out-of 5 days a week I wear some sort of oxford/tie/sweater combo. Then I come home for lunch for about an hour before heading back to school, depending on the day. Lately, the change in temperature between the two times I head to school has been pretty significant, and I've felt like skating on my second trip to school. So I've been trying to figure out how to change into something skatable and not look like a douche bag who goes home and changes his outfit at lunch. These pictures show how I navigated that conundrum today (basically just ditching the tie and untucking so I could move fluidly.)


Anonymous said...

which brand shirt and cardi are those in the second photo?

Angelo said...

Shirt is J.Crew, cardigan is express from like 2005.

KJ said...

Nice! Also, I wish I could skate.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I doubt that anyone on campus takes note on what you're wearing prior to your lunch versus what you're wearing afterward. I understand if it's self-indulgence, and I understand you are passionate about fashion, but I wouldn't worry too much about people thinking you're a douchebag just on the basis of your clothing. Most of us already think you're a douchebag for other reasons....