Friday, October 9, 2009

Three Day Weekend: Friday Roundup

-It's not an official three-day weekend, but I don't have class on Fridays so, y'know. I'm shooting an assignment later though so it's not an entirely lazy day. I didn't blog this week, I dunno why, nothing struck my fancy. Hey why are there weird images in this post? Because these dope images are from a badass mailing list by photographer Kate Steciw who sends random found images to everyone on her "Friday Roundup" email list. Most of the images are just ridiculous (isn't that owl fucking scary?) but I save some for future photoshop possibilities. You can sign up here, and I found it originally at iheartphotograph, a pretty dope photo blog.

1 comment:

L.A.S said...

this post = bizarro world.

-viva death metal